Third Birthday Chaos!
Veronica had a great third Birthday - complete with THREE parties. She had one at her old school, one at her new school and one with family. She was a Birthday cake freak for a whole week. Let's hope we didn't set a precedent of week-long Birthday celebrations. Wait a minute . . . maybe that's not such a bad idea!
Here's a cute photo from her family Birthday party. She insisted on getting dressed up and wearing a party dress. Precocious, yes?

And of course the theme appeared to be "Princess Dress Up" - as she got three outfits to wear. Here is a picture of her trying on one of them, with the help of Aunt Vicky.

Speaking of help from Aunt Vicky . . . if she hadn't arrived early, it would have been even more chaotic. You see we moved in to the townhome on Tuesday, I was sick through Friday and yet we held a Birthday party there on Saturday. We managed to get a few rooms cleared enough to host the get-together with minimal boxes and clutter. Thanks!
The countdown has begun - I only have only four more weeks. Although everyone seems to think I'll deliver early this time . . . the way I feel - I don't doubt it. My guess? September 7 . . . any guesses on my due date? (Doc says Sept. 16.)