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In case there was any doubt, we had a very fine Christmas. We knew we were blessed to have such a supportive circle of friends and family, and that is still our greatest blessing. But Jen getting a job just a few days before Christmas really helped to vent a lot of the anxiety we have been living with.
Jen even found time to make Christmas cookies! Of course, she had a little help from her very own mischievous elf. We can't tell you how many cookie-equivalents Veronica snatched from the cutting surface, but she was pretty wired. She did kitchen laps for twenty minutes (reminded me of Beavis and Butthead, if you remember the MTV cartoon).

And of course, later, we finally opened the package from Gramma and Grampa Root. There was one parcel that was marked "open first." Well, guess who really enjoyed opening it first? Quite the cookie season for little V. Her first molasses cookies went down pretty well. She ran a few more laps from the Christmas tree to the oven and back, another twenty minutes. (Julie - please note the t-shirt she was wearing, even if it clashed with her pink sweatpants. Daddy dressed her, what can I say?)

We actually got out to visit the Mesones on Christmas day. Jorge, Mandy, and Natalia were all doing pretty well, though it seemed like Natalia lost a few toys, though there were a few new ones about. (Actually, they're just rotating them a bit between rooms. That, and they were just barely moved in and living out of boxes when I first (and last) saw their home).
And last but not least, the Pace Family Christmas came together quite

nicely. Here's a lovely shot of the Pace Women, though as Al has pointed out...none of them are Paces anymore! (They'll always be "the Pace Women" to me.) As I said at the beginning, we have been blessed by this wonderful and supportive circle of family and friends. We could not have gotten to where we are today without their help and encouragement. Thanks to you, we are looking forward to a truly Happy New Year! We love you all and look forward to seeing you soon.