We made the journey to Santa's lap one fine day - daddy was able to take an early lunch to help mommy and V find the North Pole. We aren't sure what Veronica asked for - she used the barest whisper when she responded to Santa's question, but we think she said....
"I want presents!" She'd make a great little Who - is Dr. Seuss recruiting? Something tells me she'll get her wish, though we're getting a little worried that she's going to be found on the naughty list this year. Where do you find coal, anyway?
Now whether she's been naughty or nice - she looks sweet...maybe we should post some of the other looks from her... We still aren't sure where she picked up her Miss Bossy routine, but there's a certain look that goes with it. Daddy's pretty sure she comes by it honest... (Can't tell who's writing this, eh?)
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