I can still recall the day we tramped into our local Waffle House in Georgia to have...waffles. Jennifer gave Veronica some quarters and let her play with the juke box. "I Walk the Line" by
Johnny Cash was one of the first songs Veronica picked out, and from that moment forward I have thought it was an appropriate theme song for her. She certainly can walk that line, and look very good doing it. Long ago, we came to the conclusion that we don't care what others say or think, we think she's pretty darn tootin' and a great kid to boot (if you aren't familiar with strange American lingo, it's just an expression: she's got a lot of spunk and is also a wonderful kid). We could be spoiling her, we could be giving her mixed signals, but we understand that's all part of the parenting package.
We are looking forward to many years of spoiling her, and we'll spoil the next one too. But we have very high hopes for Veronica and her sib-to-be, and have every reason to look forward to raising a couple of well-adjusted kids who can't help but walk the line between precocious and precious, good and bad - living and loving are learning experiences. Boy do we have a lot to learn, but we're really happy that we have a lot to love. Sorry it's been a while for updates - been a bit hectic and tired lately.
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