Pre-Easter Eggster

While we felt really badly for the eggs, the kids seemed to have fun. We were surprised not to see a lot of pushing and shoving and swiping. We stood back and watched Veronica toddle off with the rest of the runts, hoping she would be able to fend for herself and get at least a couple eggs. As you can see, she did pretty well for herself. Most kids we saw after the grounds were

Toward the end of the morning we were there, the Easter Bunny himself showed up and was mobbed by the kids. Veronica was enthralled for the longest time. She kept petting him and hugging his legs while all the other kids posed for pictures (we couldn't get lined up for a posed shot without elbowing the other parents in the face - figured it wouldn't be the Easterly thing to do).
She also got up close with a sheep in the petting zoo - Daddy couldn't get to her in time as she harassed a poor sheepy trying to pet ears that didn't want to be petted (or pulled?). It was a gentle butting, but it surprised little V. (Daddy thought it was cute.) All is well that ends well, and we are looking forward to Easter Sunday.
We've got the eggs dyed and ready for a more realistic Easter Egg Hunt, where the eggs are at least a little hidden. More pictures to come, but Daddy's just sorry they won't quite live up to Zachary's egg coloring bonanza. One of these years...
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